
May click on their picture for more information.  

Contact # (563)212-9609.



All of our puppies are placed on Limited Registration!

Iron Hill's Pretty One

Bonnie Rae , is an amazing combination of both parents. Our Champion Iron Hill's Trusty One CGC "Truman", sweet Keepsakes Yabba Dana Doo “ Pebbles”! Bonnie Rae’s generations including Bits CH. Wit's End Or Better At Blackwing,  BISS CH. Blackwing Superfine, CH. Wits End Vegas Show Girl, CH. Santee, CH. Blackwing Super Freak, CH. Rozzay Hunt Club Clayview Grady, CH. Windfall Lubberline Regatta, CH. Mt Meadow Black Eye Affair, CH. Wiscoy Paradocs Ben Franklin. 

Keepsake's Yabba Dabba Doo 

Pebbles, is such a JOY.

We absolutely love her happy -go- lucky personality, who loves everyone!  She enjoys giving hugs and has to carry something in her mouth all the time. 

She comes from CH. Keepsake Cajun lines, Boradors Moose and Keepsakes Ricky Ricardo. We are excited to see what she can add to our Iron Hill lines. 

 Grand CH.  Iron Hill's Royal Fortress


 Such a beautiful girl, who loves to be right beside you.  So excited to see what she produces in the future . Kimber is a lovely girl, who is so laid back and loving. Pedigree includes Flat Iron's Powerful Ruler At Iron Hill, Dickendall Davaron Gable, Boradors Moose, Blacklick's Copper Top, Mistywoods Rustic Harvest Moon, Laurkim's Ring Of Fire, BISS CH. Elkins Forged In Fire, CH. Misty Woods American Honey, Pucketts Just In Time At Dickendall, & Little River Redheaded Country Girl.  

 Iron Hill's Sweet One


Such a sweet girl, who comes from amazing old time lines.


Iron Hill's  Redheaded Celtic Roots

Rori's dam is Iron Hill's Scrubbing In Girl CGC "Delaney & sire  Keepsake's Brickhouse.His pedigree include Keepsake's Gullivers Travels, Scrimshaw Placido Flamingo,MBISS GRCH Paradocs Delians Scrubbing In, our precious Iron Hill's Red-haired Beauty Bless It Be Gloria CGC "Rufina", CH. Wiscoy Paradocs Ben Franklin, Paradocs Tabathas Lily.

Iron Hill's Peacekeeper

“ Raelynn”

Her sire is lovely MistyWoods Rustic Harvest Moon “Rusty” & our precious retired Dottie. She reminds me so much of her mom and her amazing grandma Rufina. Her grandfather, is our amazing Grand Chsmpion Bronze Rubywood Saint Soulfully Iron Hill “ Saint”!   

Bloomwood Feeling The Summer Breeze “Sunny”! 

"Sunny", Huge thanks to Ewa for allowing us to add her to our family from Poland. We are so in love with this precious girl who loves everyone. We are super excited to see what she produces . 

CH. Ptd. Iron Hill's God Is My Strength



Who always happy and wants to hug. Her parents are Mistywoods Rustic Harvest Moon "Rusty" sire of GCH CH. Elkins Forged In Fire "Ford" & our special girl Iron Hill's God Is Gracious Of Midnight Valley,  "Gigi". 

Lines include GRCH. CH. Elkens Forged In Fire, CH. Misty Woods American Honey, Iron Hill's Desire Greek God Zeus CGC, Kellygreen Ruby Red Rose By Midnight Valley CGC, Laurkim's Ring Of Fire, Elkens Poppin This Shade, Pucketts Just In Time At Dickendall, Little River Redheaded Country Girl,, Iron Hill's Fab Five Quinlan, Kellygreen Jeremiah Red, and Kellygreen Razz Berry. 

Iron Hill's Dark Chocolate Flavor


Mocha is such a sweetheart and loves to cuddle, reminds us so much of her beautiful mother. 

Her lines include Kellygreen, Boradors Moose, MTN Meadow, and Keepsake. CAN CH Cedarwood Capability Brown @ Blackthorn JH WC, GRCH, AM CAN CH Venetians Copy That, CH Woodhull's Roger That, CH.Wilcare Leisure Suit Larry, JH. 

 Iron Hill's Gift Of God



Miss sassy/fun loving girl, who is always happy happy. 

Her lines MBIS MBISS GCHP CH. Everso's Toein' The Line JH. Major Ptd. Quailchase , Iron Hill's Rare Beauty Krystal, Sirocco CGC, GCH Everso's Starfish-N-Coffee JH, BISS AMCH Nipntuck Hyspire Unforgettable, Bonaventure Good Karma At QuaiChase, MBISS AMCH Big Sky's Stone Kutter, CH. Ghostestone's Louie Downtown CD,, CH. Thornwood's Snowman, & Iron Hill's Red Haired Beauty Bless It Be Gloris CGC. 

Iron Hill’s 100 Percent Lucky “Penny”. 


Penny sire is amazing Saint and dam are our sweet Fergie . She’s just the best, super smart and loving, just like her parents. Comes from outstanding Kelleygreen and Keepsake’s lines. 

 Iron Hill’s It’s Almost Irresistible “Georgia”


      Sweet Georgia Peach, such a loving sweetheart. She comes from some amazing show lines. Excited to see what she produces for us in the near future.